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OSC Mag Contributor FACTSHEET

Who we publish

Self-identifying Femme/Women/2STNGC Persons living with mental health experiences and direct allies (i.e. family, friends, support workers, industry professionals, advocates, activist, etc.)

What we want
  1. Showcase the writing of young Canadian femme/women/trans/non-binary individuals who experience mental health, intellectual, and/or developmental disabilities

  2. Promote and advocate positive mental health and wellness practices.

  3. Offer innovative coverage of mental health issues/challenges, which offers an alternative to the media’s current presentation of mental health challenges and the lives of persons living with mental health challenges.

What we accept
  1. Non-fiction and Fiction Short Stories, 

  2. Creative Writing, Visual Art, Poetry (including Spoken Word performances)

  3. Profiles, Interviews, Essays, Opinion Pieces, Comics Strips

  4. Graphic Novels, Pictorial, Illustration, Digital Drawing, Gifs

  5. VR, AR, Short Film/Photography, Music (narrative/documentary/experimental) 

Contributors’ Fee:

OSC is generally able to award only honoraria as remuneration for professional work. An honorarium of $100 will be presented to each individual contributing artist/collective (1 month after publication) for the biannual digital magazine. An honorarium of $50 will be presented to each individual contributing artist/collective (1 month after publication) for the OSC website/blog. Finished pieces, unless otherwise specified, should range from 500 to 3,000 words, less than 4 minutes in length for audio or video, and less than 10 images for imagery. OCS understands that many art forms and mediums of the express will not fit these guidelines and will make accommodations when necessary. We prefer not to receive simultaneous submissions. Please note that we only publish original content. We will not republish a piece from any other publication, blog or other websites. Work that has been previously exhibited in-person (but not online) will be excepted on a case by case bases. OSC purchases first-time serial rights and 6 months exclusive electronic license for all material used (which become non-exclusive electronic rights 6 months after publication). This includes the right to publish all material printed in OSC in our alternate formats as well on the Internet (i.e. print edition).

Our rates are competitive with other magazines. 


Alternative Submission:

Submissions should be sent to:
Our rates are comparative with other magazines. 

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