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Privacy Policy

Our Self Care Privacy Policy

Information Collected by This Site:

We collect two types of personally identifying information from users: personal and professional contact information (such as names, company or affiliation, mailing and e-mail addresses); and aggregated data (such as information about traffic patterns on the site, for example, how many users log into the site on a daily basis).


Personal and Professional Contact Information:

Personal and Professional contact information is collected when you provide it to the site, for example in ordering merchandise, answering surveys, and sending email to the site. This site does not collect personally identifying information about you except when you specifically and knowingly provide it. For example, Personal information can be any information about an identifiable person other than the name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization. A user’s personally identifying information will not be sold or rented to any other party.


Aggregated Information:

Aggregated information, such as which pages visitors access or and information volunteered by users, such as survey information and/or site registrations, is used in an aggregate format only and individual information will never be shared.


What Personal Information Does Our Self Care collect?
Our Self Care may collect personal information regarding you when you voluntarily provide it to us using our Site, or any other means that We may make available to you from time to time.  For example, We may ask you to provide personal information, such as your full name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address if you:

  • purchase a subscription to Our Self Care Magazine;

  • register for a contest or other promotion that We may offer;

  • register as a user of this Site;

  • participate in a review, survey, a consumer research panel, or similar type of activity;

  • ask to receive online information from us; and/or

  • otherwise, participate in features of our Site that ask for personal information.

In addition, if you purchase or otherwise request a product, publication, or promotional offering from us you may be required to provide your payment information (such as a credit card number) in order for us to process your request.​


How does Our Self Care use the personal information it has collected from you?
We will only use the personal information you provide for the purposes for which it was collected and which we disclose to you. We may collect personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To fulfill all matters related to your subscription to Our Self Care Magazine, including any billing requirements and providing you with your subscription;

  2. To correspond with you to advise you of updates and news, to respond to your questions or comments and/or to send out brochures, special features and other information related to Our Self Care Magazine or our company.

  3. To provide you with our email newsletter. We note that the email newsletter registration form is strictly optional.

  4. To provide you with notification of design-related events and offers.

  5. To customize the advertising and content you see.

  6. If a user chooses to send us a reader comment, to: we may store these comments along with the user's personal information if provided. Subject to Our Self Care’s discretion and the user’s consent, a user’s comments, as is or as may be edited, may be posted on the Site.

  7. To carry out any other purpose that we disclose to you at the time of collection, and to which you consent.

Links to Other Sites: It is important to note that this site contains links to other sites, and that those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as our site.


About Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) 

PIPEDA regulates the collection, use and disclosure of “personal information.” The term “personal information” is defined broadly in the law to include “information about an identifiable individual, but does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization.” Thus, this law protects the privacy of financial information, health information and other types of personal information. Notably, PIPEDA protects not only personal information collected after January 1, 2004, but also information collected prior to that date that is used or disclosed after that date.


The fair information and privacy protections in PIPEDA have their source in a voluntary set of principles (“Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information”) issued by the Canadian Standards Association. This voluntary code was developed with input from a range of stakeholders, including businesses and consumer organizations. PIPEDA incorporates this voluntary code into the law itself. Drawing on the model code, PIPEDA requires that organizations notify individuals about why an organization collects personal information and how the organization uses and discloses such information. Organizations will generally need to obtain the individual’s consent to collect, use and disclose personal information (subject to certain exceptions). PIPEDA also gives individuals certain new rights with respect to personal information in the hands of regulated organizations. For example, individuals have the right to access personal information held about them and the right to an accounting of how personal information has been used or disclosed. PIPEDA also requires that personal information be secured by measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.


Personally specific information collected by from the visitor is done so in full awareness and compliance. If a visitor to the website chooses to provide their name, email address, postal code, phone number, or any other identifying details, unless such information is provided in the course of subscribing to Our Self Care magazine, it will be used only to communicate with the reader about Our Self Care,, and associated activities. Our Self Care will not sell or rent a user’s personally specific information, such as name, email address, or phone number obtained through the website to any other organization, and will never willfully disclose any personally specific details to a third party without first receiving the user’s permission. Only that personal information which is voluntarily supplied from users is collected.

What about notification of changes?
Our Self Care reserves the right to modify or supplement this Policy at any time. If we decide to change this Policy, we will post those changes on our Site so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we may disclose it. Our Self Care will seek an individual’s consent if it seeks to collect, use or disclose his or her personal information for purposes other than those to which the individual has consented unless otherwise required or permitted by law.


Whom do I contact with questions or concerns about this privacy policy?
If you need further assistance, or if you would like to access or correct any personal information that We hold regarding you, please contact Our Self Care by writing to us at the address set out below, Attention: Privacy Officer or by sending an email to Please note that this Policy is with respect to the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information through the Site only.

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