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Do you Self-Indentify with any of these groups? Click Applicable.
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Are you a permanent resident, protected person, or citzen of Canada?

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We prefer not to receive simultaneous submissions. Please note that we only publish original content. We will not republish a piece from any other publication, blog or other websites. Work that has been previously exhibited in-person (but not online) will be excepted on a case by case bases. OSC purchases first-time serial rights and 6 months exclusive electronic license for all material used (which become non-exclusive electronic rights 6 months after publication). This includes the right to publish all material printed in OSC in our alternate formats as well on the Internet (i.e. print edition).

Our rates are competitive with other magazines. 



Our Self Care buys First North American Serial Rights, First Digital Publication Rights, and Non-Exclusive Archival Rights only. This means that work submitted to OSC should not appear in any print or digital publication before the release of the issue in which the work appears. After publication, all other rights revert to the author/artist, although if the piece is reprinted, please be sure to acknowledge Our Self Care Magazine as its first publisher.


Thank you for taking the time and effort to submit to Our Self Care (OSC). Please note that we get a lot of emails and submissions so as much as we want to, we may not have time to personally reply right away. OSC personally review, categorize, tag and sort the many submissions that come in on a regular basis. It may be a while before you hear from us.

Note: Preference will be given to Canadian submissions. A small compensation will be provided after publication. We are committed to fair, appropriate and timely remuneration to emerging artists, creatives, and cultural performers.

PLEASE: don’t spam your submissions! Do not send unsolicited work; it will be deleted.

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